Ship navigation simulator

ORION’s Ship Bridge Simulator is equipped with latest technology from Wärtsilä NTPRO 6, offering highly detailed, realistic simulation scenarios that replicate actual maritime environments, elevating the effectiveness and realism of simulation exercises.


Ship-To-Ship Simulation
Development Project
Based Training
Port & Terminal Simulation
Pilotage Simulation

Scope of Exercise

Tug Handling

Search and Rescue

Pilot Training

Port Study, RND

Incident Investigation

Onboard Nav, Equipment

High Speed Craft

Anchor Handling

Anti- Piracy


Key Benefits

  • Show system safety through various test scenarios.

  • Test new concepts and products safely in a digital environment.

  • Aid research in ship modelling and harbour design.

  • Help operators and crew adapt to new interfaces before sea trials.

  • Perform thousands of test cases, including risky ones impractical in reality.

  • Speed up sea trials within months, supported by regulators and customers.

Key Features

  • Orion NTPRO simulator R&D suite comprises: Model Wizard & Virtual Shipyard

  • Leading hydrodynamic and physical modelling. Complete API for linking third-party control and decision support systems, external simulator control and data output like reports and dashboards.

  • Robust modeling toolkit for ship models, sailing areas and bridge equipment interfaces.

  • Customized configuration for each project’s specific needs.

SAiling Area library

Our expansive collection of simulated areas comprises 35 area in major port, shipping route South East Asia region and continues to grow. These existing areas encompass virtually all significant shipping zones, straits, ports of call, and substantial stretches of inland waterways. Additionally, we have the capability to create new areas tailored to specific customer needs.

Simulator DEvelopment Tools

MODEL WIZARD 3D DATABASE EDITING TOOL for the development and modification of high-quality marine simulation area databases and ship models

VIRTUAL SHIP YARD SOFTWARE for developing and editing ship motion, engine and propulsion models, as well as controlling and documenting the results

SHIP MODEL TOOLKIT for real-time hydrodynamic ship motion simulation for external software applications

SEAGULL 3D VISUALIZATION TOOLKIT for developing real-time 3D applications that realistically simulate the sea surface, wave and wind force and direction

SHIP MODEL LIBRARY today contains more than 140 highly realistic and mathematically accurate virtual models of a wide selection of ships. Our catalogue is continually growing

SAILING AREA LIBRARY covers nearly all important shipping areas, straits and ports of call, as well as extensive sections of inland waterways

CARDINAL SOFTWARE for 3D current analysis and forecasting in support of specific consultancy or R&D projects